Tour de ParkPlay 2022

This October our CEO Rick is going to be cycling about 900 miles in 8 days to raise money for ParkPlay. In that time he’ll be visiting as many ParkPlays across the country as possible, and meeting some of our brilliant PlayLeaders and their communities. For more on his challenge and to sponsor Rick go to his Justgiving page.

Starting on Saturday 8th October Rick will visit ParkPlays in West London before spending 2 days cycling to Cumbria. Over 2 days there Rick will visit lots of communities throughout the county. He’ll then head over to the east coast and Co Durham, before turning south, cycling via Leeds and Rutland. Rick will finish his ride in Essex, including going back to ParkPlay #1 in Vange, Basildon.

Rick is raising money for ParkPay, and all donations will go towards helping ParkPlay grow and bring the power of play and positive impact to more communities in 2023. Follow Rick on his and our social channels for live updates from his ride including stories from brilliant ParkPlays, PlayLeaders and communities from Cumbria to Essex.

Find your local ParkPlay

Please visit our ParkPlay Parks page to find your local ParkPlay and come and join us for your ParkPlay session. We play every Saturday morning.