ParkPlay 2.0

ParkPlay 2.0 – ParkPlay is yours

Earlier this year we announced ParkPlay 2.0 – some important developments in the way ParkPlay operates building on what we’d learnt in our first full year of operation. Central to that was the emphasis that ParkPlay is a community event, for the benefit of and put on by the local community, for them to own and nurture, for as long as they want it. Since then we’ve been working hard with our teams and supporters across the country to give communities greater ownership of their own ParkPlay.

We’ve also been adjusting to a different financial reality. Since we started in 2020 we’ve been brilliantly supported by Sport England, but as we’ve grown we’ve been looking for additional ways to fund ParkPlay, which is and will always be free. We’ve had great support from local organisations across the country to help pay some of the local costs including getting set up (training, equipment etc.) and pay our brilliant PlayLeaders for their work. In the few cases where this hasn’t been possible or appropriate, we’ve either had to stop ParkPlay or we’ve found brilliant people happy to run their ParkPlay for this community in a voluntary capacity. 

Over the next 6+ months we’re going to continue this shift – ParkPlays being owned by their community, any funding for local costs coming from local sources, and different models for different ParkPlays to suit the needs of every individual community. This will put every ParkPlay on a sound long-term footing so it can thrive for the benefit of the local community long term.  It will also mean some difficult decisions in some places where the funding available locally doesn’t match the need.

In short, we’ll support every ParkPlay. If there is no funding locally then that ParkPlay will either need to work with us to find money to pay a dedicated PlayLeader or team, or transition to being led by local people. That can and does work brilliantly, with people sharing a fun community role, trained and supported by us. In the case where we can’t make it work, an individual ParkPlay might have to stop until there is community momentum to make it happen again.

Thank you for your support and understanding

Rick & The ParkPlay Team

Find your local ParkPlay

Please visit our ParkPlay Parks page to find your local ParkPlay and come and join us for your ParkPlay session. We play every Saturday morning.