
Find your ParkPlay

Welcome to ParkPlay

To find more information about your local ParkPlay, and also to register, search the map and hover over the pin nearest to where you live.

Things to remember

Everybody who comes to ParkPlay needs to register (adults and children).

You only need to register once.

Adults should register themselves, and under 18s should be registered using their parent or guardian’s email address. More than one person can be registered per email address.

Under 14s must always be accompanied by an adult.

Why do we need you to register?

We only ask for essential information on the ParkPlay sign up form. It’s important for us to have these details so we can put on a safe event. For instance, we need your emergency contact details just in case you have an accident or are unwell while at ParkPlay.

Some of the questions also help us understand more about the people coming to ParkPlay. We use this information to prove the amazing impact ParkPlay is having in your local community.

Staying safe

ParkPlay is for everyone and our sessions are designed to suit a wide range of abilities and fitness levels. However, participants are responsible for ensuring they are fit and able to take part in any activity and do so at their own risk. If you have any concerns, you should always seek advice from your GP before taking up any strenuous physical pursuits.

We welcome children at ParkPlay but they must always be accompanied by an adult.

More information

If you’d like to learn more about how we use the data we collect during registration, you can take a look at our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

For more information on how we’re keeping everybody safe in other ways, you might want to check out our safeguarding pages.

If ParkPlay isn’t in your local park yet, let us know where you want us to play next! Please don’t register until we’re in your local area.